“May I get you anything, Charrrles?”
Chas loved the way Mme. Celine pronounced his name, fusing the ‘r’ and ‘l’ into a purr that extended from the ‘a.’ It had been the origin of his nickname, and the name he preferred to use. His shipmates had Americanized it to sound like “Chaz,” but it flowed from Mme. Celine’s tongue like fine brandy.
“My usual. Gin and tonic with cranberry, s’il vous plait.”
“Ah, oui monsieur, à venir jusqu’à”
“Why don’t you come drink with us?” asked Michael, another crewman of the Arcas
“No, thanks. I’m waiting for someone.”
“Oh.” Michael seemed very disappointed.
Michael was a second class AT petty officer, whereas Chas and Don were third class AM petty officers. This impressed Chas since Michael was actually a few months younger than he. Chas liked Michael, and had made a mental note to get to know him better on several occasions, but in the three years since Michael had been assigned to the Arcas, Chas had never found the courage to do so.