“Which means this one is for me?” Esmeralda asked, holding up the second package.
“Mhmm! I saw this in a shop in Taranto and knew you would like it.”
Chas watched with a smile as Esmeralda gently tore the paper and opened the small box that contained her present. She put her hand to her mouth and the corners of her lips curved out and upward from the edges of her fingertips.
“Do you like it?”
“It’s lovely!”
Esmeralda held up the lily-shaped barrette. It fit in the palm of her hand, but barely. Chas had marveled at how fashionable large hair clips were becoming, but with lilies being Esmeralda’s favorite flower, he couldn’t resist buying it for her. Esmeralda immediately bundled up her hair on one side and pinned it with the barrette.
“How do I look?”
Esmeralda smiled. “Would you like to come upstairs and tell me some more?”
The rest of the Navy crewmen whistled and banged their glasses on the bar.