“Even better,” she said with a wide grin.
“So,” I asked with a tilt of my head. “When did you first know you liked the ladies?”
A whimsical grin danced upon Holly’s lips. “When I was eleven and my older brother brought home his first date. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her tits. What I wouldn’t have given for a pair of X-ray glasses that day,” she said with a laugh. “I was so jealous of him.”
I giggled when I realized the elderly woman had overheard Holly’s admission. Her mouth flew open and she darted from the elevator the second the doors opened into the lobby. “I think you nearly gave that woman a heart attack.” I looped my arm together with Holly’s when we stepped out of the elevator.
“Well,” she said with a crinkle of her nose when she spoke. “I guess she’ll learn not to eavesdrop then, won’t she?” She laughed, leaning into my arms when we crossed the threshold.
“I guess so.” I squeezed her close. “You did amazing on that elevator.”