Chapter 8

“Keep it up,” the manager said and walked out of the clubhouse.

* * * *

The game had gone surprisingly well. O.B. had been able to focus on the play despite the distractions of his dreams and the impending interview with Avery Turner. The Thunderbolts had swept the series with the reigning World Champions, winning the final game eight to five.

Great way to go into the fuckin’ interview that will probably end my career,O.B. thought sarcastically as he made his way to the locker room.

Once again dodging his way through the mob of players and reporters, he looked around for anyone who might appear to be looking for him. No one seemed to be interested in tracking him down, so he sat on a bench and waited.

Maybe he changed his mind? he thought hopefully, though he knew deep down that was just wishful thinking.

Haskel the sexy trainer walked by. “You gonna stop in for a rubdown?” he asked.