Chapter 9

“I…uh…I guess I’ll get dressed then,” O.B. stammered.

“Okay,” Avery said, still grinning.

O.B. self-consciously dropped the towel and began dressing. He could feel Avery’s eyes on him. As the reporter continued to watch, he went over his plan for the interview. The situation was becoming more and more ludicrous. Here O.B. was, about to be interviewed by a gay man who was apparently not too deep in the closet. When it aired on television the interview would make him recognizable—something he had worked hard to hide for the sake of his secret lifestyle. O.B.’s head was spinning.

* * * *

O.B. paced the floor in his apartment. After the events of the past twenty-four hours he felt like a caged lion. It was bound to happen sooner or later, he thought. You can’t be gay in a high-profile professional sport and expect to live the life you want. Somebody’s gonna find out.