Chapter 12

Avery laughed. “That’s Coco,” he said in a voice that denoted surprise. “She doesn’t usually take to strangers. You must be a real cat lover.” Avery bent over and picked the cat up and placed it on his right shoulder where it regarded O.B. through half-closed yellow eyes.

“Uh…I…” O.B. stammered. The truth was, he didn’t much care for animals in general. Not that he had anything against them, but he had never had much experience with pets growing up. However, he didn’t want to say anything that might put Avery off, so he tentatively reached out to scratch the feline’s head and lied, “Yep, cats are pretty cool.”

Coco responded by butting O.B.’s hand with her head, completely closing her eyes, her purr engine going into high gear.

“Well, this is pretty amazing,” Avery remarked. “I’ve never seen her take to anyone this way before. Usually if I have someone over she disappears into the closet and isn’t seen until she thinks the coast is clear.”