Chapter 13

“Another drink?” Avery asked, getting up and holding out his hand for O.B.’s glass.

O.B. nodded and handed it to him. Coco stood, stretched, and climbed onto O.B.’s lap and lay down. O.B. idly petted the cat as he watched Avery walk away. He took a deep breath, enjoying the man’s tight ass, still hoping it would be included in the evening’s activities.

“Do you ever see your friend, the football player?” O.B. asked when Avery returned with the drinks.

“Yes, we stay in touch and go out to dinner when he’s playing in town. That’s about the extent of our relationship.”

“You never—?” O.B. asked, not completely believing Avery.

“No. I couldn’t do it when I was married and I can’t do it with a married man now that I’m not. We’re just good friends. I think he’d be willing if I was, but we don’t go there.”

O.B. was beginning to realize that sex with Avery might not on the agenda. Just to make sure, he asked, “So you don’t mess around with anyone unless it’s a serious thing?”