Chapter 17

“Thanks, no. You’re my guest.” Avery said leaning over and kissing O.B. on the nose. “I’ll feed her, or she’ll just pester us until I do. Be right back.” He followed Coco out of the bedroom.

O.B. got up and used the bathroom, then lay back down. In a few minutes Avery got back in bed, snuggling tightly against the big man’s body once more.

“Does she do that every mornin’?” O.B. asked, pulling Avery closer.

“Yes. Coco’s better than an alarm clock. Haven’t overslept since I got her. But we don’t have to get up just yet.”

O.B. smiled, kissed Avery’s head, and gave him a squeeze.

After about fifteen minutes of dozing, O.B. felt Avery stirring. He opened his eyes to find Avery smiling at him.

“Good morning again,” Avery said before pulling O.B. into a prolonged kiss.

O.B. could feel himself getting hard.

Avery must have been able to feel O.B.’s response, because he said, “We’ve got time.”