Chapter 29

O.B. stepped back out of Rod’s embrace.

“Something wrong?” Rod asked, a tentative smile on his lips.

“Hey, man. I’m really sorry,” O.B. said, his head reeling. This was a situation he’d never dreamed he’d ever be in—about to turn down an opportunity to have sex with a hot man because he had feelings for someone else.

“Is it something I did?” Rod asked, looking bewildered.

O.B. felt he had to explain. But being so new to these feelings he hardly knew where to begin. “Look, it’s not about you. It’s about me. Sit down.”

Rod sat, still looking confused.

O.B. took a deep breath, sat next to Rod and looked around the room, trying to organize his thoughts. “For me, it’s always been all about the sex—at least it was. And you’re really hot and, well, I want to have sex with you, but—”

Rod waited as O.B. struggled with trying to explain what he didn’t really understand himself.

“There’s this guy back home—”

“Your boyfriend?”
