Chapter 34

“You’re not just a safe haven for me to have sex. I mean—” He swallowed. “It’s not my bein’ scared of bein’ caught and outed if I keep sleepin’ around. It really is because I realize I love you and want us to be together.”

Avery didn’t say anything.

O.B. went on, trying to find the right way to say what he felt. “See, when I got to Baltimore I met this guy. Bob. I think that was his name. Anyway, he wasn’t my type and I couldn’t—well, I could but I didn’t want to. And I didn’t know why. I thought maybe it was because he was too big. Shit, not that his cock was too big—it was pretty nice, but that hewas too big. Damn!” He knew he was babbling. “Do you understand any of this?”

Avery shook his head.

O.B. stopped to gather his thoughts before plowing on once again. “I decided I might not have got into him cause he wasn’t my type, but then I thought maybe it had something to do with you. Am I makin’ anysense yet?”

Avery shrugged his shoulders and said, “No, but go on.”