Chapter 35

As O.B. had listened to Avery, he’d vowed he would never do anything to cause the man the kind of hurt that Jason had. O.B. was a changed man. He would prove to Avery he was. He could accept the terms on which they would move forward: they would date, get to know one another better, and at some point discuss whether their relationship would progress to a more completely shared life. That was fair, though O.B. had already decided that the outcome would be living together. How that would square with his being a major league baseball player he didn’t know. He only knew that in some mysterious, miraculous way, that would be their destiny.

“You awake?” Avery asked.


Avery pressed his ass against O.B. O.B. was hard. His erection had never gone down after they’d made love.

“Come inside me again,” Avery said.

O.B. didn’t say anything. He just bent and kissed the nape of Avery’s neck and, taking hold of his rigid cock, guided it into the man he loved.