Chapter 36

“What the fuck do you mean ‘boyfriend?’” O.B. lashed out, immediately feeling threatened by his inebriated teammate’s remark.

“Ooo, touchy, touchy. Musta hit a nerve.”

“Give it a rest, Neil, you’re drunk.”

“Yep, that I am,” Neil admitted, laughing. “But you gotta admit, you and that fairy Avery have gotten pretty close since he did your interview.” Neil waggled finger in O.B.’s face as he talked. “He’s always checkin’ ya out after every game, mentionin’ you in his news reports. I think he’s got it bad for you, my friend,” he slurred and patted O.B. on the thigh.

“You’re imaginin’ things,” O.B. countered, pushing Neil’s hand away. “We did the interview, got along and that’s that. He doesn’t pay any more attention to me than any other player on the team.”

“Why? Cause your cock ain’t big enough for him?” Neil giggled. “I seen your cock. It looks plenty big enough for m—uh, to me. Is the little faggot a size-queen or somethin’?”