“Does it matter? Now help me get out. I can’t move. I think my arm has gone to sleep.”
Dominic continued laughing but did not move to help him.
“Just wait a moment,” he said. “I have a sneaky feeling that we haven’t seen the last of your uncle. I’ll check.”
He shut the cupboard door and turned just as Tom’s face peered around the door jamb. The smile fell off his face only to return a second later as a pale imitation; the smile of someone who has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Did you forget something, sir?” Dominic asked, moving towards the door and away from where Dale had secreted himself.
“Who were you talking to?” Tom’s eyes scanned the room.
“I was singing, sir. I realise I’m no Andrea Bocelli, but if it offended you to the point where you had to come back….” He left the sentence hanging.
A frown darkened Tom’s face.