Chapter 26

“It was you,” Dale said. “Uncle Tom was pleading with me to stay, telling me how sorry he was for all the things he’d done to me and then I saw you in the garden. I knew then I could tolerate his presence if it meant I could spend more time with you.”

Dominic smiled warmly and Dale noticed a twinkle in those beautiful Mediterranean eyes.

“We’ll have to be careful though. You know how unpredictable he can be. Especially after the way I spoke to him. I didtell him I was grateful for everything he’s done for me, for all his help, but I think I also told him he makes me sick. Besides, how can I love him anyway?” He paused. “When I’m in love with you. But I didn’t tell him that part.”

Dominic placed a hand on the side of Dale’s head and stroked it.

“Then I’m a very lucky man,” said Dominic.