But there were greater things to concern himself with.
Before he could look up to see the reaction of the demon mother, there was an almighty explosion and a great crack appeared in the ground, ripping the whole side of the canyon apart so that bodies rained down into the gaping chasm. Charam was knocked onto his back and was dusting himself off when he noticed the Hole in the Rock had also suffered a massive rupture. Its inmates, a motley looking gaggle of the most hideous creations the bowels of Dis had ever vomited up, fled through the chaos to freedom.
Charam sat up on his knees and scanned each new escapee for the blackish-red demon with the big black eyes and powerful torso that he had fallen in love with so long ago that he had forgotten a lot of the details. However, he was disappointed to find that even as the flood of demons running out into the devastation was easing to a trickle, he still hadn’t laid eyes on Raum.