* * * *
The two men walked from the main street to the field set aside for the staging of the wagon train. Several wagons were already in the area, and families were busy packing them with their supplies and belongings.
“You be careful with that barrel, Hiram. That’s my grandmother’s china packed in there,” a woman with chiseled features screamed at a man Sam assumed to be her husband, as he struggled to lift the barrel and secure it to the side of the covered wagon.
Garrett shook his head and went to help him. Sam followed. Once the barrel was in place and both husband and wife thanked the men profusely, Garrett and Sam continued on their way to find Gus and Todd.
“Nothing you can say to convince ‘em it’s foolhardy to be taking stuff like that. Nary a cup’ll make it, no matter how well it’s packed,” Garrett said with a shake of his head. “They’d do better packin’ the barrel with flour or salt pork.”