As promised, by late morning the next day, the train came within sight of Fort Childs. What they saw dimmed the enthusiasm that greeted the previous night’s announcement. The fort was not the walled fortress many had expected, but rather a collection of ramshackle buildings, most of which were made of sod. Many of the party were further dismayed when they were greeted by what Rayburn described as the most unsoldierly lot of military men he had ever seen. Sam reluctantly had to agree. The soldiers were unshaven, their hair was uncut, and their uniforms patched. They immediately began offering money to the travelers for any whiskey they might be carrying. Due to Garrett’s strict rule against bringing spirits on the trip, they had none to offer.
Sam and Garrett dismounted outside one of the buildings that looked to be in better condition than the others. A tall man with a reddish moustache flecked with grey, came out and approached the men. He was dressed in an officer’s uniform.