Chapter 73

Your friend, always, Nils.

Sam’s heart stopped. He stared at the missive with his mouth open.

“Somethin’ wrong?” asked Gus.

Sam half shook his head, still staring at the name at the end of the page. “‘Scuse me,” he said, rising and walking away.

“Sam?” Garrett said, concern showing in his voice.

“It’s all right,” Sam replied without looking back, not wanting to say more, or show the emotion he was feeling. He walked around the corner of the wagon and slumped against the side. Wolf followed him and sat down, staring up at him. After a time he unfolded the letter once more.

Dear Sam,

I hope you and Wolf are doing well out there. I came here to Laclede’s looking to find you. Miss Mary at the hotel told me you had taken the wagon train to California and that I could write to you.