
Chapter 17

I leaned forward curiously.

“They skip a lot of things in US History. They say this country was founded by God, and that everyone migrated here for religious freedom. They make it sound like there were never any major problems in our country until Civil War Two.”

“But that is what happened, isn’t it?” I asked. “I mean, we helped win the World Wars, but our nation has always been a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world.”

The others gasped.

“She knows nothing,” Enrik said.

“Why did we fight Civil War One, Serenity?” Adam asked quietly, with kind eyes.

I shrugged. “Civil War 1 was fought because the South wanted to become a secular nation, and the North wanted to maintain the Christian principles our nation was founded upon.” History was one of my best subjects.

“They didn’t teach you anything about racism or civil rights, did they?” Adam said.

I frowned. “What’s racism?”

Akasha whistled.