Rage boiled inside me. We were supposedly in a rebellion with all of the communities’ legitimate leaders involved, but nothing was actually happening.
I pounded my fist on the table. “None of this is going to keep me from getting banned!”
Malaki put a hand on mine, but I brushed it off.
“Is this all we’re really doing?” I demanded. “Hiding out in a theater basement and handing out fliers? It’s got to be a bad sign when it’s so easy a seventeen-year-old can do it. Something has to happen, and soon. We need to stand up and shout what we want. We need to show the normal leaders that we have as much right to live freely in this country as they do. I just found out yesterday that because of Project Politician Persuasion, normal people are talking about attacking the Gay Communities.” I stood and clenched my fists, raising my voice in anger. “We need to get a bunch of bombs and blow the walls out there apart!”