“Only one Dark Cloud. Dark Cloud destroy all. Kill all people.” She shook her head and another leaf fell out. “Not all people, most all people.”
“A nuclear bomb?” asked Adam. “A nuclear war?”
Full Moon shook her head again. She leaned forward, her breasts hanging down from her chest like twin pendulums. She took Adam’s bowl to fill it with more broth. “Very good this,” she said, passing the bowl back to Adam. “Make starman better.”
“But I don’t understand. How can it be that the war happened over two hundred years ago?” Adam spooned more of the watery broth into his mouth and swallowed. “Unless something went wrong. A malfunction with the auto-pilot.” He remembered his three crew mates in the cock pit. “But no. That’s a hundred and fifty years.” He stopped eating and stared into space with a frown of concentration. “Impossible.”
“What starman say? Starman words no meaning.”
Adam realised he’d been mumbling to himself. “Why did you ask if my friend had killed anything?”