“Poison kill babies. Kill women when have babies. Some babies live. Some women live.”
“What about the men?”
“Men not die. Some no make babies. Seed inside dead.”
The sound of rushing water added a spring to Adam’s step. He couldn’t wait to be immersed in it; to wash off the dirt and the smell of smoke. Just being in the village, surrounded by its dirty inhabitants, made him feel dirty.
The river was more like a large stream. Its crystal clear waters ran over rocks polished smooth by eons of water rushing over them. Adam smiled and removed his underpants, which were brown and muddy from sitting on the dirt floor of Full Moon’s hut. He bent down and dipped them into the water then squatted and began giving them a good scrub.
“None of you bother with clothes,” he said as he rubbed the cloth and rinsed it, “but I want these underpants to last me for as long as possible.”