“Wait,” said Adam. “I’m sorry.”
River Boy stopped but didn’t turn around.
“I’m sorry,” said Adam, placing a hand on River Boy’s shoulder. “I enjoyed what you were doing with your tongue, but sticking your cock in…well, it’s just I wasn’t ready for it.”
River Boy raised his head and looked at Adam.
“A-dam no like River Boy?”
Adam couldn’t deny he found the young man physically attractive. He was handsome and reasonably well groomed. His body was tight and athletic, and his thick uncut cock was beautiful. He also seemed different from the others Adam had met. Yet there was still the idea in the back of Adam’s head that there was something of the animal about all of them, and it bothered him.
“I do like River Boy,” he replied, for it was the truth.
“A-dam no like River Boy cock?”
Adam glanced down at the flaccid, though still impressive organ. “I do like your cock. It’s a beautiful cock, but you can’t just go about sticking it into the first hole you see.”