Chapter 48

“I understand, but as he said, he’ll only have the scan on Friday, and I doubt if you’d even be allowed to be in the same room as him when he has it.”

“I know.” Mark sighed. “What if it’s serious, Simon?”

I didn’t have an answer. I was pretty sure it was serious. And deep down, I suspected Mark did, too.

“We’re invited over to Paul and Helen’s for dinner. Paul’s been sea fishing and we’ve been roped in to help eat his catch.”

I shuddered, hoping Helen’s fish filleting skills were up to the job. Bones were the worst part of eating fresh fish.

* * * *

“I’ve just got one more exam, and then I’m free, free, free for the whole summer,” Sam enthused.

“You’re old enough now to help me in the business, Sam,” Paul put in.

“All that cement dust? It will ruin my fingernails,” Sam said, examining his nails and trying not to laugh.

From the cooker, I heard Helen let out a snort.

“Behave.” Paul playfully cuffed Sam’s ear.

“Aye, aye, Captain,” Sam said, giving Paul a naval salute.