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Over the next few weeks, the bench got a lot of use because the weather was glorious. Mark would either sit next to Roy or work in the garden while Roy gave Mark the benefit of his horticultural wisdom. I’d often come home from work and find them still out there.
Mark’s vegetable plot began to yield forth its treasures. Roy’s appetite was poor, but he’d take a small amount of the vegetable soup Mark would prepare for him.
We saw more of the boys now they were out of school for the summer, although Sam did spend some time working for Paul, but both agreed Sam was no builder.
The boys always made a fuss of Roy; they even got him hooked on Trivial Pursuit. However, with Roy’s increasing difficulty with fine motor skills, the boys moved Roy’s counter around the board for him.
Roy would tell them tales of growing up in the Northeast during the depression of the 1930s as well as his exploits in the pay corps during the latter part of the war.