Anyway, I dragged everyone away quickly. The teenagers couldn’t even find an apple to offer as a treat, which implied they weren’t the homemakers here, just grateful tenants of the couch for the night.
The woman at 621 was crying and it didn’t look like she was stopping any time soon, especially when Vince smiled at her, forgetting the impact of baring his teeth.
The couple at 623 yelled at us, accusing us of being the ones who’d made the woman at 621 cry in the first place, like she did every Wednesday and Friday night, and how the hell were they meant to watch Eastenderswith that racket going on?
The man at 629 smiled and announced he’d been waiting for us. If we could just wait a couple of minutes he’d go and fetch his suitcase, because God Almighty had told him he would rise in glory from the sordid chaos of this forsaken city, and would be carried by angels and demons to Nirvana. This very day.