WebNovelThe Mask71.43%

Chapter 5

“Well, he wouldn’t.” Chris said finally, shrugging. “He never does. Say anything, that is. That’s the thing.”

I frowned at him. “Because you all tease him. With the stutter and everything.”

Vince cleared his throat. “Sure, man.” He cast a glance at Chris as if looking for backup.

“What is it with you two?” I said.

Chris took a deep breath, as if he’d decided finally to face up to an unpleasant duty. “Gaz only stutters when he’s out with us socially. Right?”

“Well, yes.”

Vince joined in. “He hates the stutter, but needs some time to control it. We talk over him so he can pull himself together. He asks us to.”

“Asks you to?” I was very, very confused. “But he’s okay when we’re on our own. At home, with only the two of us. He’s just nervous of being out in a group.”