Chapter 10

Mack looked more carefully at the necklace.

“Oh my God! Yes, I remember this now. We each got one, one summer after the cattle drive. It was down in Abilene. From that little old Indian guy.”

He looked into Seth’s face. “You still have yours.”

“Yep, I wear it most a the time. ’Member what the old man told us when we put ’em around our necks that first time?”

“Sort of,” Mack admitted, feeling badly that he didn’t recall clearly what the old man had said. “I’m sorry, Seth, I don’t remember and I don’t even know where mine is.”

Seth smiled and said, “Don’t worry ’bout it. I really didn’t expect ya to have it as long as we been apart and all.”

“Remind me what the old Indian said.”

“He said that turquoise will bless and protect your friendship, will open your hearts ta true love, and will give ya understanding of a shared vision for your lives.”

“I do kind of remember now,” Mack admitted. “Sure wish I knew where mine was.”