“So,” I hazarded in conspiratorial French when he brought me a glass of red wine, “how do you like the new guy?”
“Have you seen him? So young, but so fat!”
“I’ve heard. But I mean, how is it working with him and stuff? Is he a nice guy?” I ventured.
“A doll!” Jean-Paul confirmed. “And quite a good cook, you will see.”
“That’s what Marzipan said.”
A foursome was jostling through the door just then, of a type very typical at Marzipan! A young boyfriend and girlfriend, probably new to San Francisco, with somebody’s visiting parents. Hers, judging by the way the boyfriend was tripping over himself to impress. I quickly asked Jean-Paul to just bring me whatever Chris had whipped up for the special before he scurried away to charm the new arrivals.