“Didn’t she launch her career in that movie about that picnic?”
“You mean Picnic?”
“You’re thinking of The Last Picture Show,” he told me. “You feel like Kim Novak.”
“I do?”
“Kim Novak was in Picnic. With William Holden.”
“Right. That is of course what I meant. I feel like Kim Novocain.”
“Oh, groan!” he rolled his eyes. “I’m going to need Novocain in a minute. Your lack of movie knowledge is giving me a pain.”
We laughed. He stood over the table, showing no sign of hurrying back to the kitchen, so I sat there smiling up at him, studiously avoiding gaping at his huge, heaving belly. When I had gone a long moment without saying anything and without starting on my dinner, he finally prompted me to at least take a bite. “Well, aren’t you going to taste it?” he asked.