Chapter 20

I made Regular Customer small talk to Hot Twin A while Hot Twin B toasted the sesame bagels I had ordered for myself and Katie. This set-up had the very pleasing effect of allowing me to admire one twin’s long, handsome face while simultaneously drooling over the other one’s juicy-peach ass. When Hot Twin A gave me my change, I dropped most of it in the tip jar; the spectacular view they offered was well worth the price.

I was getting ready to take my bagels across the street when Chris emerged from the bathroom, tying his white apron under the heavy, sagging bulge in his red T-shirt.

“Todd!” he exclaimed, giving me another of his signature sweaty hugs. He smelled of cologne and coffee and there was the slightest trace of armpit odor, inoffensive to my nose, so recently abroad in the streets of Paris, but there. “Nice to see you at the start of my day.”

“Oh, hi, Chris. You just getting here?”

“Yup. I start at ten. Are you just getting out of bed?”