Chapter 44

Phillippa, however, brightened at this announcement as we followed Katie into the theater. “I knew it! I thought you looked good,” she said.

“Um, thanks?” Do I usually not look good?

“You know what I mean. You’ve got a glow.”

“Maybe he’s pregnant,” Katie deadpanned.

“That’s not a very attractive attitude,” I told her. “Is it, Phillippa?”

The three of us made our way down the center aisle towards the stage, where a couple of long folding tables were set up with a bunch of people in workout gear or old gym T-shirts slouching around them, reading through the script and whispering jokes to each other. I recognized Ace at the head of one of the tables, hunched over a script with his chin in his hand. Chris was sitting at the end of the same table, next to an itty bitty skinny brown-haired poppet in a bright yellow, hooded sweatshirt. Quite a handsome little guy, if you’re into the whole bright-eyed, twenty year-old thing. Bobby Dutta would lose his mind.