“And yet, after what must have been an exhausting flight, you exude something of a glow…” I teased him. “Are the boys on Oxford Street still running around in naught but their skivvies?”
He giggled like a teenager in love and conceded that at least one of the boys on Oxford Street was doing that very thing.
“Yeah, and back in the hotel room, the guy doesn’t even keep his skivvies on,” Bianca added.
Jason mock-frowned at her for “revealing” such a detail, then giggled again. “We’ve been having a ball. Look!!” he commanded, thrusting his arm in my face.
“It’s 9:15?”
“Never mind what time it is—look at my fabulous new watch! A gift from my fabulous new boyfriend.” He was positively giddy.
“I’m glad somebody managed to hook up that night,” I told him, after ooohing and aaahing appropriately over the gift, which was actually quite sharp. Maybe I would buy myself a watch in China this month, too, I noted distractedly.