Chapter 68

“My mom drank a lot, too,” Jon-Allen said with a nod.

Dayna smiled, although she wasn’t sure why. Having a parent who drank too much was terrible. But it was nice someone else understood. As they set off for the morning, she and Jon-Allen walked together. Kevin ran off to chase squirrels. Ash and Matt were in their own world, as usual.

“Did your mom ever…never mind,” Dayna said.

“Did she what?” Jon-Allen asked.

Dayna looked up at him. Even though he was younger than she was, he was taller. “Did your mom ever do anything bad to you when she was drunk?”

“Mostly I would just find her asleep on the couch or something. She wasn’t mean, but I was only seven when she got put in prison. Your parents beat you up, didn’t they?”

Dayna nodded.

“No wonder you ran away. I’m glad you did,” he said with a smile.

Dayna tripped over a branch. She cursed and looked away.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded, embarrassed.