Chapter 69

“Oh, we are, sir.”

“Poor Dayna and Kevin.” Tom forced a tear out of one eye. “I can’t wait to find them and bring them home where they belong. We’ll get all this straightened out. Tell them…tell them Mom and Dad are waiting.”

“Yes, sir. You have a good evening and we’ll keep you posted.”

“Thank you.” 26: Dayna’s Birthday

Ash watched the others walk ahead of her through the trees. Matt and Jon-Allen were whispering. Dayna and Kevin walked side by side, talking amicably. She looked at the map, even though it was pointless. They were nowhere, and going nowhere.

Ash felt fine with that.

She still wanted to call one of the foster homes to see what would happen. But for now they just kept a steady pace to avoid capture. Ash supposed as long as they walked south they would at least be in a warmer climate by winter.

That evening they made camp in a clearing. Jon-Allen disappeared.

“Can we make another fire?” Kevin asked.

“Not this time.”

“But Ash, remember what day it is?”