Avery simply shrugs. “I think it’s an excellent idea.” He scoops his toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant into his bag. Quickly he slips out of his blazer and sets it on the back of his chair. He kicks off the loafers they have to wear and unbuckles his belt. Finally Timmy turns away.
Jacob grins as Avery changes clothes. He loves Avery’s legs, so strong, so long. He loves his round buttocks, the way his boxers pull taut across his ass when he bends to remove his pants. He loves Avery’s thick arms, his muscled chest, his stomach. He wants to touch Avery right now, Timmy be damned. He loves the way Avery looks right this second, dressed in a white undershirt and pulling his jeans up over his ass. Tonight can’t come soon enough.