Chapter 49

Avery tugs at Jacob’s curls, playful. “Sorry for what?”

Like he doesn’t know. Jacob sighs. “For making Timmy mad,” he says, though that’s not quite it. He’s afraid Avery will start thinking about how much trouble it is for them to be together. He’s afraid the rumors and gossip will begin to get to Avery. He’s afraid Avery will stop loving him because of it. “For… I don’t know. For everything, I guess.”

Avery rests his head beside Jacob’s on the pillow. His hand fists in Jacob’s curls, tugging just a little. He presses his lips against Jacob’s temple and laughs, breathy and deep. “It’s not your fault,” he whispers.

With a shrug, Jacob says, “I know.” He’s unconvinced.

Avery laughs again. Another kiss, tender. Another soft tug on his curls. “Don’t be sorry, then.”

Avery’s other hand toys with the front of Jacob’s shirt. He picks at the hard nipples hidden beneath the material. It’s ticklish but Jacob only squirms closer against him.