Chapter 54

“That’s it.” Jacob throws his books down. They hit the floor and fan out into the crowded hall, stopping the flow of students. A sudden hush falls like a shroud around them, silent. Jacob hears his own breath, ragged and loud in his ears. He hears the squeak of a shoe on the battered linoleum when Trevor steps back. He hears a locker slam far away.

Mike’s locker creaks as he picks at the metal handle. “Jacob, don’t.”

“What the fuckdid you just say?” Jacob demands. He’s looking past Mike at the freshman kid. He’s going to hurt someone for that comment.

For a long moment, he stares at the freshmen, Trevor and Erik and the boy whose name he doesn’t know. He dares them to say something else, anything at all. One word—that’s all he needs. One word and the fight begins.