Chapter 6

Shaela stretched and felt the muscles in her neck and back loosen. What a relief it would be to put this all behind her! To not have to spend each day checking over her shoulder, to have company again. Let’s face it,she thought. It gets lonely out here by myself.

She double-checked the door to make sure it was bolted, then glanced at the windows to reassure herself they were locked, as well. Then she lay on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace, wrapped the flannel blanket around herself, and curled into a ball. Unspent energy surged through her, warming her even though the fire was low. She wanted to be off, and had already opened the flue wide to put out the fire in case she happened to forget. She closed her eyes, waiting for midnight to escape unseen. She’d just rest for a bit…

* * * *

Her eyes opened at the sound of the doorknob turning.