Chapter 8

If he wasn’t here, these were probably the same ones who’d ransacked her cabin. Just my luck.As she struggled, an arm wrapped around her waist and hauled her to her feet. A grotesque creature shoved its face into hers. Shaela had had prettier nightmares. Its small head sat like a lumpy potato on its sack-like body. Its ears were two holes in either side of the head. Beady eyes sank above a crooked and hooked nose, under which a thin-lipped, ugly sneer made a mockery of a smile.

It felt the front of her tunic and she tried to pull away from the probing hand. But it found what it was sought, because the groping stopped when it extracted her necklace. The pendant winked in the starlight.

“She still has it.”

The words were in a foreign language, one Shaela understood. Maelnords!