Chapter 16

“Dungan, you’ll lead the second crossing, myself the first. We’ll move out before the sun rises. Be prepared to fight. Once the Princess is rescued, Dungan will lead the troops back to Varingsway. You’ll tell King Randal what happened, stressing I have the Princess. He’ll know why we don’t return with you. Company dismissed.”

They rose with the first calling of the gunnar bird and quietly ate breakfast, a thick fog covering their actions. The river had swollen from the rains, but was still passable. It had to be.

The Baret took a few men aboard the raft and, with muffled oars, rowed carefully to the opposite shore. Next came Dungan and his men. The sounds of the breaking camp drifted across from the Andersian side of the Asphya. The Baret led the way east.