Chapter 18

Then she felt a surge of power from within that rose from the ground and gathered in her blood. Her fingertips tingled where they touched the stone, then the feeling passed. Opening her eyes, she saw the same roaring blaze she’d pictured in her mind. She whistled to herself as she staked the fish over it.

By the time Airk arrived with fresh water, Shaela had the fish skinned, filleted, and spitted before a roaring blaze. The look on his face justified the trouble she’d gone through, but he said nothing.

Bread warmed by the fire, and a mixture of guinia roots and herbs began the meal. After eating the fresh fish, a relief from rabbit and squirrel, Shaela handed Airk her grande finale—a fruit salad from berries she’d gathered. Airk was surprised, to say the least.

With his mouth full of the delicious fruit concoction, he said something unintelligible to her.

“Eat with your mouth closed,” she reprimanded.

He swallowed quickly and repeated himself. “Where did you get these?”