“Where is he?”
Shaela turned to go. “Below deck, sleeping. And if he’s taking it seriously, we should, too.”
* * * *
The black shore stretched before them, only a few hours away. Jaelin thought she could see quicksand beyond the swaying trees. Turning her back on the dismal scenery, she clambered into the small lifeboat where her friends were already seated.
Airk smiled at Ikpikpuktok. “I appreciate your bringing us this close. I guess this is good-bye.”
Ikpikpuktok waved and the lifeboat was lowered into the sea. “Good luck, friends! This pays my debt to you!”
When the lifeboat hit the water, Airk and Wray took the oars and the travelers watched as the Amuktachinokbegan to steer out of hazard’s way. The lifeboat plunged ahead, onto its destination.