Chapter 67

The outlaw leaped up beside him and turned to get Kitt. “I’ll admit I didn’t really believe you. Why haven’t you ever led me this way before?”

Gideon helped the First Commander up as Airk helped Shaela. “Oh, this is my first time across, too.”

* * * *

Though their pace was faster, they walked with measured steps as they followed their guide. It was unnerving to cross boiling oil and scorching flames without getting burned. Greasy black smoke hung above the lake, but over the invisible bridge, the air was relatively clear.

Dungan Weir tried to focus on Shaela’s back, but found it impossible to divert his attention from the lake below. He watched the bubbles rise to the surface, and felt a slight tremor each time one burst beneath the bridge. Gideon had shown them how wide the bridge was, but they all walked in a single line down the middle except for Shaela, who held Kitt’s hand tightly to keep him beside her.