Chapter 9

“It’s a good time. I’d go if I was you.”

“Well, if you say so, maybe I will.”

“Fantastic,” Wade said. “I’m goin’, too. Maybe I’ll catch up with ya there.”

With that Wade got up and, without putting on his trunks or wrapping his magnificent ass in a towel, undulated off in the direction of the stable.

* * * *

After an incredible steak dinner in The Chuck Wagon, Charlie and Jared, along with Rick and Richard, made their way to the saloon. Jared had already had three martinis and walked with his arm draped over Charlie’s shoulder. He was talking, rather more loudly than necessary, about how maybe Charlie’s choice of a vacation spot wasn’t so bad after all. “Except for all this cowboy stuff.”

They found a table near the dance floor. Jared ordered another martini, Charlie a beer, and the Richards each a vodka Collins from a very cute waiter who was shirtless, in tight jeans, wearing a gray cowboy hat and a red bandana.