Chapter 166

Caitlin’s obviously not still up here. I take the stairs two at a time, passing my dad on my way down. He looks stiff and uncomfortable in the freshly ironed shirt he wears, and the look he gives me discourages conversation. Don’t say a word, his eyes caution. But I’ve never been one to heed such warnings, so as I stand aside to let him by, I wave. “Hey.”

He grunts in reply, typical Dad. “Where’s your mother?” he demands.

Pointing upstairs, I start, “In the room—”

“Is she ready yet?” Before I can answer, he’s trooping the rest of the way up the steps, muttering to himself. “Rush to get meout of the damn house, will you.”

I don’t pursue that. Instead I turn away, let them argue it out, I’ve had enough confrontations for today. And I’m heading right into another one, I think ironically, but with any luck maybe I won’t find Caitlin before we go. Then I won’t have to fall victim to her biting anger. If she wants to wear teal, that’s fine with me. It’s not myfuneral.