Chapter 167

“No, it’s not.” It’s Jessie,I correct silently, but I don’t tell him that. He’s heard the speculation, even at his age—what he knows of our curiously absent aunt is incongruous with this silent, heartbroken woman inside that car. He’s too young to understand what really happened to keep her away from us all these years. Hell, I’ve just barely begun to understand it myself. There’s no way I could possibly explain it in terms that he could swallow.

“It looks like her,” he says with child-like aplomb. Together we watch the car pass out of sight and then I stand. Taking his hand, I lead him away from the screen and start to close the door. “No!” he cries. He catches the door in his small hands and tries to hold it open, but I’m stronger than he is and it’s a battle he doesn’t win. As I lock the door to keep it shut, he punches me in the thigh. “I was standingthere, horny butt.”