Chapter 168

I’m not surprised when no one answers.

The door to the back room is closed, just as I left it. Thinking Dan’s inside, probably getting dressed, I knock as I turn the knob and step inside. “Hey, babe—”

My sister replies, “Hey.”

I look up and see her sitting at the foot of the bed, back against the wall, her knees drawn up to her chest and her skirt pulled down to cover her legs. Only the toes of her shoes can be seen beneath the billows of that dress. Closing the door behind me, I tell her, “Get your shoes off my bed.”

She does so without a word. I look around the room as if Dan could possibly be hiding somewhere, but he’s not. It’s just me and Caitlin. “If you’re looking for lover boy,” she says, “he’s back in the bathroom. Came in wearing nothing but a grin—”

“Cat,” I warn, jealousy rising in me at the thought of my sister checking out my man.