“More than my eyes, I hope,” he retorted.
Once again Meg had taken Snazzy to warm him up. Andy and I struggled to get me into my chaps. They were like a second skin. Andy didn’t waste the opportunity to grope me under the guise of helping me zip up the tight-fitting chaps. The usual accentuation of my package caused by the fit of the chaps was now augmented by the response I was having to being handled by my lover. Oh well, if the judge really was a member of the club, this might catch his attention if my riding didn’t.
“Now remember, Dad, this is Western Pleasure. Snazzy is being judged, not you. All you have to do is guide him around the ring and stay out of his way. He’s a great horse and he’ll do all the work.” These were Meg’s words of wisdom as I entered the ring with the eight other riders for Western Pleasure, 30 and Over, my first riding class of the day.