Chapter 9

Sure, the two of them had had their challenges. For a long time Zack hadn’t felt comfortable coming out to anyone. However, it didn’t take a genius to work out that something in the normally cocky, pussy-hunting Zack had changed. Zack no longer partied every weekend. He no longer chased after anything in a skirt, and he no longer drank, or smoked dope.

Sam hadn’t had to force Zack into sobriety, Zack had chosen that course all on his own. When they were by themselves Zack was loving, even clingy and needful. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Zack would often say.

Sam knew without a doubt Zack had been the best thing that’d ever happened to him. They would spend hours just lying in each other’s arms, kissing. Heck, even after fourteen years that was still their favorite thing to do.